

Business Concepts/Yearbook

Meeting Time: 9:52 a.m. – 10:40a.m.

Location:          Room 164

Instructor:        Lisa Perkins                          

School Phone:       (417) 754-2219

Phone Code:          164                      

Conference time:  12:28 - 1:21                                      

Course Description: In this course, students will gain skills in one or more of the following areas: marketing, sales, page design, advanced publishing techniques, copy writing, editing and photography while producing a creative, innovative yearbook which records school memories and events. There is an emphasis on journalism skills in this class! Participants gain useful, real world skills in time management, marketing, teamwork, and design principles

Course Rationale: Students will be given challenging real world projects and assignment of graphic design and publishing industries. High quality work is expected and students will be given opportunities to redo work until it meets standards specified during instruction. Classroom activities will include reading, research, projects, interviewing and problem solving. Students will often work in teams, but will be expected to complete individual assignments in relation to the team’s work. Assessment methods will include tests, quizzes, reading assignments, and projects

Prerequisite: Keyboarding

Major Course Objectives:

At the end of the course, students will be able to:

  • Define terms related to graphic arts/desktop publishing.
  • Identify and apply tools and palettes.
  • Explain copyright issues related to graphic arts/desktop publishing (e.g., legal, ethical).
  • Demonstrate sensitivity to bias (e.g., culture, gender, age).
  • Manage electronic files (e.g., storage, naming files, retrieval).
  • Identify careers/self-employment opportunities in graphic arts/desktop publishing.
  • Exhibit leadership skills through a student organization
  • Plan a preliminary layout for a publication using manual or digital tools.
  • Develop a work schedule to meet deadlines.
  • Use correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
  • Apply standard proofreaders’ marks in editing copy.
  • Prepare a budget for a graphic arts/desktop publishing project
  • Set appropriate page layout options (margins, columns, double-sided, facing pages, page numbering).
  • Create master pages.
  • Create templates (e.g. labels, business cards, brochures, programs).
  • Modify templates (e.g. labels, business cards, brochures, programs).
  • Use editing tools (e.g., copy, cut, paste).
  • Create a text frame.
  • Compose text (e.g., headings, captions, body text).
  • Import text files and other word processing documents into publications.
  • Access fonts (e.g., download, unzip, install).
  • Apply font size guidelines.
  • Measure type in points, picas, and inches.
  • Adjust typography attributes (e.g., bold, italic, underline, reverse).
  • Apply character and word spacing (e.g., kerning, tracking and leading).
  • Explain the usage of font types (e.g., serif, sans serif, decorative).
  • Manipulate text features and formats (e.g., wordwrap, hyphenations, drop cap, color, gradient, text path).
  • Apply tabs and indents in text frames.
  • Apply proofreading and editing techniques to graphic arts/desktop publishing files.
  • Use a digital camera to acquire appropriate resolution images (e.g., portrait, landscape, moving objects).
  • Import files and images from various sources (e.g., software-specific library, other applications, Internet).
  • Edit images (color, filter, tints, contrast, watermark, brightness).
  • Apply image modes (e.g., convert RGB, CMYK, grayscale).
  • Manipulate images (e.g., mask, resize, crop, scale, rotate, group/ungroup).
  • Create original drawings in illustration software.
  • Determine appropriate image file formats (e.g., bmp, tiff, jpeg, gif, pict, eps).
  • Apply appropriate resolution settings for intended use of an image.
  • Select color scheme.
  • Select appropriate ink colors (e.g., Pantone, PMS).
  • Plan the proper use of white space.
  • Apply the proper use of color.
  • Create an effective focal point (e.g., primary, secondary).
  • Create appropriate headlines.
  • Position captions.
  • Apply design principles (e.g., movement, balance, symmetry).
  • Apply layering techniques in publications.
  • Match the design to the appropriate audience.
  • Create a resume highlighting graphic arts/desktop publishing and related skills.
  • Select sample projects to show graphic arts/desktop publishing concepts mastered.
  • Explain the reasons for selecting the sample projects in the portfolio.
  • Arrange a selection of sample projects into professional presentation.
  • Demonstrate ability to listen/read and follow directions.
  • Demonstrate proofreading and spell check of written media.
  • Demonstrate appropriate use of grammar while delivering presentations.
  • Demonstrate ability to format written communications to include numbers, and punctuation.
  • Demonstrate ability to function as a team member.
  • Demonstrate ability to research and analyze information from various sources (i.e. written, digital) for use in written or oral presentation.

Course Outline: 

(subject to change based upon student needs and teacher discretion)

  • Introduction to Yearbook
  • Teambuilding
  • Training:
    • Introduction to the Graphic Design and Publishing Industries:
    • Introduction to the equipment:
      • Computer, scanner, printer, camera.
    • Elements and Principles of Design
      • Color, space, balance, harmony, repetition/pattern
      • Line, texture, contrast, movement/rhythm, unity
      • Shape, value, variety, proportion, emphasis/dominance
    • Journalistic Writing:
      • Story writing, caption writing
    • Typography:
      • Typefaces, typographic measurement, typographic standards, typographic guidelines
    • Creating and Editing Images for Print:
      • Formats, resolution, raster V’s vector, ethics, copyright laws.
    • Take Pictures and Video
    • Edit Pictures and Video
    • Create Yearbook
    • Promotions, Sales and Advertising
    • Publish Yearbook
    • Leadership

Textbooks and Resources:   None

Grading Scale:

95% - 100%    A                            

90% - 94%     A-

87% - 89%     B+                            

84% - 86%     B                    

80% - 83%     B-

77% - 79%     C+                            

74% - 76%     C                       

70% - 73%     C-

67% - 69%     D+                             

63% - 66%     D                       

60% - 62%     D-

Below 60%     F

Grade Categories

Participation                                                                          20%

  • Attendance, daily work and involvement. Idleness will lose you points and could get you fired/removed from class. If you finish your section early, help someone finish theirs. There is always something that needs to be done.
  • Participation Points:
    • 10 Points: on time to class, all materials ready for class, full participation
    • 5 points: tardy to class, repeated absences
    • 0 points: unexcused absence, no materials for class, disruptive or off-task behavior
      • Points will be subtracted for disruptions or off task behavior. It will be assumed that you are having a hard time and you need a reminder to respect the classroom environment. A verbal reminder of the appropriate behavior will be given to you. It will be your signal that you are in charge of your own behavior. If you choose to continue to disrupt the class you will be asked to move seats. If you can manage to get back on track, there will be no consequences. Further disruptions to the learning environment may require extra time in practicing appropriate classroom behaviors before or after school.
    • Out of Class Participation: Students are expected to participate in outside of class time activities. To produce a complete yearbook, students will be required to attend school activities to take photographs and gather information that will be used in the yearbook. Due to the nature of publishing deadlines students will be expected to work periodically after school and possibly some Saturdays to meet publishing deadlines.

Photographs                                                                          20%

  • Each student needs to take at least 20 quality pictures (that can be used) each quarter.

Quality                                                                                    20%

  • Is based on your creativity, accuracy and overall quality of work produced.

Deadlines                                                                                30%

  • Students will receive a reduction in grade if deadlines are not met.

Sales/Advertising                                                                   10%

  • Students will sell a minimum amount (TBD) of ads and make efforts to advertise our yearbook in the spring.


Homework/Late Work Policy:

Due to the nature of publishing deadlines, late work cannot be accepted for full credit. Any work turned in after the deadline will be granted no credit.

Tardy Policy:

1st Tardy: Free

2nd Tardy: Warning

3rd /4th Tardy: Friday School assigned

5th Tardy: 1 – 3 days ISS

Standards of Conduct:

  • Take pride in the staff
  • Treat each other with respect and dignity
  • Maintain the integrity of the publication
  • While individual work is necessary, working as a team member is essential
  • Maintain computer equipment, provided cameras and press passes
  • Keep work areas clean and organized
  • Attendance and punctuality to class and all deadlines is paramount

Equipment Policy:

  • You must check out cameras, camcorders, and other forms of equipment before use.
  • You are responsible for damaged, lost or stolen equipment that you check out.
  • Return equipment DIRECTLY TO MRS. PERKINS, not anyone else.

Consequences for Inappropriate Behavior/Missed Deadlines:

  • Reminder of the rules
  • Warning
  • Office referral
  • Removal from course

Academic Integrity:

This classroom follows the procedures provided in detail in the Policies and Procedures: Academic Dishonesty section of the Humansville student handbook. It is the policy of this classroom to file a report with the principal for every incident of academic dishonesty. All students will sign and return an Academic Policy as a requirement of this course.


Plagiarism is considered academic death and will not be tolerated. Any student caught cheating will have the following consequences:

1st offense: “0” on activity and reported to Principal

2nd offense: “0” on activity, ISS, Friday School, and parent conference

3rd offense: “0” on activity, 1 Day ISS, parent conference

4th offense: “0” on activity, 3 Days ISS, F for grading period, parent conference

Cell Phones:

The Business room will follow the rules set forth in the student handbook regarding cell phone usage. Upon arriving in the classroom, students with any type of cell phone will place their cell phones on the desk, where they will remain until the end of the class period. All phones are expected to be set to silent so as not to disturb the classroom. Texting, calling, and taking pictures with cell phones without permission will result in confiscation of cell phone until the end of the day. Confiscated cell phones will be taken to the office and may be picked up at the end of the school day. Students will not be allowed to take their cell phones from the room if they are leaving to use the restroom. Humansville R-IV is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged cell phones.

  • The classroom telephone is not to be used by students


Students may listen to music only with permission. Please do not bring personal headphones or personal music devices without permission. Students who use these personal device(s) without permission will lose the device(s) for the day. Confiscated music devices will be taken to the office and may be picked up at the end of the school day. Humansville R-IV is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged music devices.

Make-up Work:

When you miss class, for ANY reason, it is YOUR responsibility to make up any missed work. It is also YOUR responsibility to find a replacement if necessary to cover any events you are responsible to cover.

Business Room Rules: The Basics

  • Plain water is the only beverage permitted; the bottle must be clear and have a secure lid. Any other beverages brought into the business classroom will be discarded. Food, gum, and candy are not allowed in the business classroom and will be discarded if brought into the room.*
  • Students may not manipulate the equipment in such a way that might cause damage such as unplugging or plugging equipment cords, turning switches on or off to the computer monitors, speakers, or printers, or mistreating the equipment in any way. This is an offense that could lead to being prohibited from computer use.
  • Students will not use unauthorized passwords, disclose confidential passwords, or enter or try to enter any unauthorized areas of the computer. This is an offense that could lead to being prohibited from computer use.
  • Never touch anyone else’s computer, unless they ask for your help!
  • A student will not cause another student to lose work, time, or data.
  • Students will not “surf the web,” log in to sites such as FaceBook, Pinterest, or any other non-education website without permission.
  • Before leaving, do the following:
  • Log off (Start -- Log Off and then click OK).
  • Wait for the logon screen.
  • Straighten your keyboard, monitor, and mouse
  • Pick up and throw away any trash around your computer and from the floor
  • Push your chair back in.

*If your student needs special accommodations please contact me.


All Humansville Business Courses will utilize a class website. This website will contain resources for the classes as well as assignments, worksheets, assessments, and general information. The goal for using this medium is to, first, incorporate technology, and second, to prepare students for post-secondary education. Most higher educational institutions utilize supplemental website information to their classes, and preparing Humansville students for a college career is a goal we will strive to reach.

As a parent if you would like to see what your student is completing in his/her business classes, please go to, or feel free to contact me.




By signing the commitment contract Parent/Guardians, students and adviser agree to:

  • Parent/Guardian
    • I grant permission for my student to work on yearbook related errands in the community outside of school hours.
    • I understand that my student will need to devote time outside of class for the completion of assigned tasks outlined in their job description.
    • I understand my student will be working with specialized equipment and supplies and will be held responsible for any damage, loss and/or waste due to negligence.
    • I understand that if my student is going to be absent that he/she needs to make arrangements for his/her out of class duties to be covered.
    • I understand that my student will be responsible for assisting with financial aspects of the publication, including book and advertising sales. This may be used as part of the class evaluation criteria.
    • I understand, that should my student not complete any pages/spreads assigned that there will be a loss of a full letter grade for that page/spread.
  • Adviser
    • As adviser, I understand that a staff member has other obligations and responsibilities. Therefore, I will work individually with each staff member to make sure that he/she fully understands the commitment that is being made prior to assuming a responsibility. I want an open line of communication between staffers, editors, parents, and me. Please feel free to contact me during my planning period, but other conference times convenient for parents/guardians will be made by appointment.

Replacing lost/damaged equipment:

  • Parent/Guardian
    • I agree to comply with the Humansville R-IV Acceptable Use Procedures
    • I acknowledge responsibility for equipment’s physical condition.
    • I acknowledge responsibility for physical security of the equipment.
    • I acknowledge financial responsibility for school equipment when in the possession of my student. If equipment is damaged, lost or stolen, I agree to pay for the replacement/repair of that equipment.
    • All students who signed the check-out form are held fully and totally liable for all of the costs associated with lost/damaged equipment.
    • I agree that, should my student not complete any page/spread assigned to them, and they have not made arrangements for another staff member to complete that page/spread, they will receive a reduction of a full letter grade for that page/spread.
  • Staff Member (Student)
    • I agree to comply with the Humansville R-IV Acceptable Use Policy.
    • I acknowledge responsibility for the equipment’s physical condition.
    • I acknowledge responsibility for physical security of the equipment.
    • I acknowledge all students who signed the check-out form are held fully and totally responsible for all the costs associated with lost/damaged equipment.
    • I acknowledge that, should I fail to complete any page/spread that is assigned to me and I have not made arrangements for that page/spread to be completed by another staff member, that I will receive a reduction of a full letter grade for that page/spread.







Please sign and return this form by Friday, August 21, 2015. Thanks for your cooperation in making this a great year!

Course Summary:

Date Details Due